
The Impact of Climate Change on Our Planet

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Climate change can without doubt be regarded as one of the biggest issues of the present generation as it is linked with all aspect of the existence of people on the planet. Other characteristics like rise in temperature or change in pattern of weather or any other aspect of climate change is now on the emergence with consequences like sea level rise. The effects of climate change are huge; they touch on aspects such as melting of polar ice caps and frequent and severe natural disasters. These are features that need be understood as strategies of coping with the issues portrayed in climate change.

Rising Global Temperatures

The first amongst and perhaps the most popular is the rigorous rise in the global temperature that is already observable. According to the recorded statistical data, since the beginning of industrial revolution in the late 19th century, the average global surface temperature of the earth has risen by approximately 1. Hello? Oh, nothing The average temperature is rising, but slowly; it is a 2 degrees Celsius (2. 2 degrees Fahrenheit) difference. This appears to be a small shift but has the robust impact on the subject planet. Many changes take place any time the world is warmer; the Accticles and ice caps of glaciers also melt, thereby causing the level of seas to rise. Climate change also impacts on the ecosystems; this is because many of the species cannot be able to suit the new climate conditions.

Declining Ice Coverage of the Polar Caps and of the Oceans

Another proves of global warming which can be easily observed is the fast rate at which ice is melting particularly in the service Arctic and Antarctic and in the mountains all over the world. The Arctic region is changing at a rate two times faster than the global average rates and this is characterized by a reduction in the volume of sea ice. This is not only a problem for the polar bears that depend on the ice to hunt their prey but also problems in the whole climate system. The main effects of the melting of glaciers and ice sheets are related to changes in the rising levels of sea which is a major issue for populations allover the globe.

Rising Sea Levels

When glaciers and ice caps are thawed, their water add to the ocean thus causing a rise in the general sea level. Currently, global sea levels have been recorded to have risen by roughly 21cm in the last 135 years with this rate having increase in the last few decades. This is especially a threat to the coastal regions whereby increased tidal level and storm waves result In boost Frequent flood. The former is more exposed since several countries, small island nations inclusive, and cities are confined to the lowlands. in other cases, the rise of sea level is equally disastrous because it leads to claim of land, thus subjecting the dwellers to the duvety of finding new absentee as well as posing a threat to the local economies.

Extreme Weather Events

It is also related to the increased occurrence and intensity of frequent hurricanes, doughts, Heat waves and heavy rainfall events. At increased temperatures, hurricanes become more frequent, more dangerous and change direction. However, high temperature also causes poor rainfall and sometimes drought in some areas thus the water and Agriculture。 In the other cases, warmer temperatures can cause more evaporation and hence lead to more intense rainfall, flooding and other related disasters. Such conditions have negative repercussions on the populace's lives, structures and the environment in general.

Influence on Species Divisions and Communities

The effect of climate change is strongly expressed in disturbing changes in the variety of species and ecosystems. When the climate begins to change, temperatures go higher, and the patterns of rainfall change some of the species fail to change to the new conditions. It reaches a point that some are displaced to look for better places to live while others are exterminated. Some habitats, such as coral reef, are sensitive to a rise in the water temperature which leads to coral bleaching and overall killing off of the reefs. The change of ecosystems has a domino effect on dependent species such as the human population where resources like food and water are sourced.

Ocean Acidification

Such another effect of climate change is ocean acidification when the ocean takes in more CO 2 from the atmosphere. Over the past two hundred and fifty years, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution up to date, the ocean's pH reduced by about 0. 1 which in turn increases the acidity of the solution. This shift in acidity can be injurious to marine life especially the ones that uses calcium carbonate to make their shells or skeleton including corals, mollusk, plankton and others. It can also be said that as these organisms fight for their existence, the marine food chain is threatened and world fisheries and millions of people associated with it can be affected.

Challenges that lead to the decline of Agriculture and Food Security

Climate change is also a danger physical and virtual to agriculture and food security. Fluctuations in temperature rainfall and other forms of precipitation and even storms negatively affect crop production. For instance, if there is_alication of rains that is referred to as drought then it becomes hard for people to cultivate crops and farm livestock. Still, higher temperatures have been shown to decrease the nutritional value of some plants; for instance, wheat and rice. These challenges are highly focused in the developing countries because it is always a struggle to feed the people and since most of the developing countries largely rely on agriculture.

Human Health and Well-being

Climate change poses a serious threat to human health with the following impacts affecting people. High temperatures lead to higher instances of heat illnesses including heat stroke and dehydration mostly affecting the elderly and persons with certain illnesses. There is also a correlation between climate change and spread of infective diseases: climate variability leads to improved conditions of germs' transmitters such as mosquitoes. Furthermore, the physical consequences, which include cases of injuries, loss of property, shelter, and sometimes man's own sanity after being affected by harsh weather conditions. Climate change affects people's health in many ways and this is mostly realised among the disadvantaged or the marginalised persons.

Economic Impacts

The effects of climate change in relation to the economy, hence, remains great and broad. Since disasters are on the increase and developing more intensity and frequency, the expenses of reconstruction and rehabilitation keep on rising. This is especially a risk and uncertainty to the agricultural sector which is very much vulnerable to fluctuations in weather conditions it attracts higher prices for foods myopic economic difficulties. Further, climate change has a high risk impact in sectors that are sensitive to climate variation for example; fishing, forestry and tourism industries. To companies, the impacts consequent to the shift in climate are typically expensive; this is procedures for climate change that involves investments in structures that can stand hard climate as well as reducing carbon footprints.

The second broad division of the Journal deals with themes of global inequality and climate justice, of particular concern in the current society. Climate change is more than an environment problem; it is also a social issue of equality and justice around the globe. Advanced countries that are also the biggest emitting nations during the industrial revolution and some other recent years continue to emit while others that have effected the impacts most, primarily the developing countries, try to do something about it. The developed countries on the other hand experience similar changes but have the resources and infrastructure to protect their people. By doing so, it is imperative to emphasize difference between developed nations, which are primarily responsible for climate change, and the developing ones, which will pay the highest price in terms of consequences and try to introduce a concept of a global partnership for saving the planet. Climate justice also remains the ability to assist vulnerable groups to be in a position to accommodate the changes in the climate.

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