Plant Experience
Kalanchoe delagoensis is a perennial succulent, reproducing asexually by means of small plantlets borne at the ends of each leaf. The stem is erect, up to 3.3 feet (1 m), often with short sterile shoots at the base. Leaves are simple, usually ternate, sub-cylindrical, up to 6 inches (15 cm) long, up to 0.2 inch (0.6 cm) wide, lower surface sulcate, often spotted with reddish brown, margins near apex with 3 to 9 conical teeth between which spoon-shaped bulbils are produced. Umbels of trumpet-shaped up to 1.2 inches (3 cm) long orange to scarlet flowers that dangle in clusters from the top of the plant.
How to Grow and Care
It is easy to grow the Chandelier Plant. So easy, in fact, you have to learn to control its spread as a part of caring for Chandelier Plants. Growing Kalanchoe delagoensis can be worth all this trouble when you learn how to keep it under control, especially when the orange blooms appear.
For those with more hospitable conditions, learning how to grow Kalanchoe and keep it within bounds may include growing it in a large container or even as a houseplant. While drought and heat resistant, the plant is also adaptable to moist growing conditions and will often recover from a mild winter freeze.
Chandelier Plant care often includes removing small plants that have jumped from the container into the ground or another pot. This happens because Chandelier Plant forms small plantlets at the ends of the leaves. When these are dislodged, they immediately take root and begin growing in any available soil. Removing them from unwanted areas is an integral part of caring for Chandelier Plants.
How to Grow and Care
It is easy to grow the Chandelier Plant. So easy, in fact, you have to learn to control its spread as a part of caring for Chandelier Plants. Growing Kalanchoe delagoensis can be worth all this trouble when you learn how to keep it under control, especially when the orange blooms appear.
For those with more hospitable conditions, learning how to grow Kalanchoe and keep it within bounds may include growing it in a large container or even as a houseplant. While drought and heat resistant, the plant is also adaptable to moist growing conditions and will often recover from a mild winter freeze.
Chandelier Plant care often includes removing small plants that have jumped from the container into the ground or another pot. This happens because Chandelier Plant forms small plantlets at the ends of the leaves. When these are dislodged, they immediately take root and begin growing in any available soil. Removing them from unwanted areas is an integral part of caring for Chandelier Plants.
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My normal Kalanchoes can grow like weeds but this pink variety is really slow growing.


This is my first growing diary. From Hee Garden RM5.00

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