Plant Experience
Chinensis is a popular variety of Aloe vera, which belongs to the Aloe genus (Aloe vera 'Chinensis'). This variety is a Succulent that typically grows as an Perennial, which is defined as a plant that matures and completes its lifecycle over the course of three years or more. Normally grows to a mature height of 60.0 cm (1.95 feet).
How to Grow an Aloe Plant
The first step in aloe vera plant care is to realize that this plant is a succulent. Like cacti, succulents do best in dry conditions. When growing aloe vera plants, plant them in a cactus potting soil mix or a regular potting soil that has been amended with additional perlite or building sand. Also, make sure that the pot has plenty of drainage holes. Aloe vera plants cannot tolerate standing water.
One important thing in the care of aloe vera houseplants is that they have proper light. Aloe vera plants need bright light, so they do best in south- or west-facing windows.
Care of Aloe Houseplants
Another important part of how to grow an aloe plant is to water the plant properly. The soil of the aloe vera plant should be allowed to go completely dry before being watered. When the aloe plant is watered, the soil should be thoroughly drenched, but the water should be allowed to drain freely from the soil. The most common reason an aloe plant dies is that the owners water too often or do not allow the water to drain. Do not make this mistake when taking care of aloe houseplants.
You can fertilize your aloe vera plant, but aloes generally don’t need to be fertilized. If you decide to add fertilizing to part of your aloe vera plant care routine, aloe vera plants should be fertilized once a year in the spring. You can use a phosphorus-heavy, water-based fertilizer at half strength.
Growing aloe vera houseplants is not only easy but can also provide your family with a plant that can help treat minor burns and rashes. Now that you know a little more about how to care for an aloe vera plant, you need never be without this lovely and helpful plant.
An Aloe Vera plant requires bright filtered sunlight.
Water well and then allow the soil to thoroughly dry out before watering it again. An Aloe Vera plant can last 2-3 weeks before it needs water and requires even less moisture in the winter. An Aloe Vera Plant can be saved from severe under-watering but rarely survives over-watering.
Aloe Vera plants like a different fertilizer than most houseplants. Feed monthly with a 10/40/10 plant food diluted to 1/2 the recommended strength.
These plants likes dry, warm temperatures between 65°-85°. Aloe Vera plants do not do well in temperatures below 40 degrees.
Aloe Vera plants are native to the deserts and need very little humidity.
There are very few plant pests that bother an Aloe Vera.
Plant diseases are rarely a problem unless you over water and cause root rot.
Aloe Vera plants can grow in almost any type of soil, but a quick draining well-aerated soil with some sand in it is best for these plants. A commercial Cactus potting soil also works well.
Keep an Aloe Vera plant in a small pot with drip holes in the bottom; this allows the soil to quickly dry-out and prevents root rot.
Aloe Vera Plants rarely need to be pruned.PROPAGATIONPropagate an Aloe Vera plant using offsets or suckers.
How to Grow an Aloe Plant
The first step in aloe vera plant care is to realize that this plant is a succulent. Like cacti, succulents do best in dry conditions. When growing aloe vera plants, plant them in a cactus potting soil mix or a regular potting soil that has been amended with additional perlite or building sand. Also, make sure that the pot has plenty of drainage holes. Aloe vera plants cannot tolerate standing water.
One important thing in the care of aloe vera houseplants is that they have proper light. Aloe vera plants need bright light, so they do best in south- or west-facing windows.
Care of Aloe Houseplants
Another important part of how to grow an aloe plant is to water the plant properly. The soil of the aloe vera plant should be allowed to go completely dry before being watered. When the aloe plant is watered, the soil should be thoroughly drenched, but the water should be allowed to drain freely from the soil. The most common reason an aloe plant dies is that the owners water too often or do not allow the water to drain. Do not make this mistake when taking care of aloe houseplants.
You can fertilize your aloe vera plant, but aloes generally don’t need to be fertilized. If you decide to add fertilizing to part of your aloe vera plant care routine, aloe vera plants should be fertilized once a year in the spring. You can use a phosphorus-heavy, water-based fertilizer at half strength.
Growing aloe vera houseplants is not only easy but can also provide your family with a plant that can help treat minor burns and rashes. Now that you know a little more about how to care for an aloe vera plant, you need never be without this lovely and helpful plant.
An Aloe Vera plant requires bright filtered sunlight.
Water well and then allow the soil to thoroughly dry out before watering it again. An Aloe Vera plant can last 2-3 weeks before it needs water and requires even less moisture in the winter. An Aloe Vera Plant can be saved from severe under-watering but rarely survives over-watering.
Aloe Vera plants like a different fertilizer than most houseplants. Feed monthly with a 10/40/10 plant food diluted to 1/2 the recommended strength.
These plants likes dry, warm temperatures between 65°-85°. Aloe Vera plants do not do well in temperatures below 40 degrees.
Aloe Vera plants are native to the deserts and need very little humidity.
There are very few plant pests that bother an Aloe Vera.
Plant diseases are rarely a problem unless you over water and cause root rot.
Aloe Vera plants can grow in almost any type of soil, but a quick draining well-aerated soil with some sand in it is best for these plants. A commercial Cactus potting soil also works well.
Keep an Aloe Vera plant in a small pot with drip holes in the bottom; this allows the soil to quickly dry-out and prevents root rot.
Aloe Vera Plants rarely need to be pruned.PROPAGATIONPropagate an Aloe Vera plant using offsets or suckers.
Album (23)


Gave this overgrown pot to a friend. She can separate the pups.


Very prolific. Pot full of pups.


Can't get enough of this Aloe Vera bloom. The colours are ao unusual.


And the flower stalk is stretching out. Looks like they are going to be orange flowers.


My Aloe Vera is flowering. First time I'm seeing this.


Prolific Aloe Vera. The mother plant has babies again and the first batch of babies are also reproducing.


My Aloe Vera babies has three cute babies of their own.


It's a holiday so what better way to spend it than to deliver babies. The Aloe Vera that exploded with babies delivered 10 babies. 11 if you consider one of the babies also has a baby attached to it.


This is my first growing diary.

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