Plant Experience
Album (8)




The 4th week:Finally ture leaves sprout.


After 7 days: Tiny buds sprout.
After 14 days: buds unflod.
After 14 days: buds unflod.


The bud is tiny. It is not easy to observe it.
Date of seeding: 7th Nov.
First bud: 12th Nov.
The newest bud: 29th Nov.
Temprature: 13-28 degrees
Light: direct
Humidity: around 63-95%
Amount of seeds: hundreds
Amount of buds: 76
1. Put seeds into 40-degree-water and soaked it for 24 hours.(No need to keep the water in warm)
2. Punched several holes at the bottom of one-off plastic cups and filled it with moist soil ( the depth of soil more than 4cm).
3. Sown seeds on the surface of soil. (3~6 seeds per cup)
4. Covered it with some soil (about 0.8cm depth)
5. Signed cups with lable.
6. Sealed cups with preservative film.
7. Pricked several holes in the preservative film with a toothpick.
8. Put cups near the window face north.
Date of seeding: 7th Nov.
First bud: 12th Nov.
The newest bud: 29th Nov.
Temprature: 13-28 degrees
Light: direct
Humidity: around 63-95%
Amount of seeds: hundreds
Amount of buds: 76
1. Put seeds into 40-degree-water and soaked it for 24 hours.(No need to keep the water in warm)
2. Punched several holes at the bottom of one-off plastic cups and filled it with moist soil ( the depth of soil more than 4cm).
3. Sown seeds on the surface of soil. (3~6 seeds per cup)
4. Covered it with some soil (about 0.8cm depth)
5. Signed cups with lable.
6. Sealed cups with preservative film.
7. Pricked several holes in the preservative film with a toothpick.
8. Put cups near the window face north.

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