Plant Experience
Use tempered water for watering Echeveria. There is evidence that there is less potential for root rot if the water is warmed. Keep the mix lightly moist spring through fall and water sparingly in winter. Water the potting mix and not the rosette because it can easily rot. Never let the soil stay wet for long periods, or let the plant sit in a saucer of water.
Grow several different Echeverias together in a broad bowl kept on a sunny windowsill. They also mix quite well with other succulents.
For propagation remove offsets with a short stub of stem attached, and transplant Echeveria to new containers. Small offsets transplant more easily than large ones.
Grow several different Echeverias together in a broad bowl kept on a sunny windowsill. They also mix quite well with other succulents.
For propagation remove offsets with a short stub of stem attached, and transplant Echeveria to new containers. Small offsets transplant more easily than large ones.
Album (1)

Plants Encyclopdias

Name: Painted Echeveria
Latin: Echeveria nodulosa
Origin: Central America
Plant height: 1 - 50 cm
Reproduction: #Layering
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #CentralAmerica #Echeverianodulosa
Latin: Echeveria nodulosa
Origin: Central America
Plant height: 1 - 50 cm
Reproduction: #Layering
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #CentralAmerica #Echeverianodulosa

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