Plant Experience
When Hibiscus are in their blooming stage, they require large amounts of water. Your Hibiscus will need daily watering in warm weather.
The best time for pruning Hibiscus is August-October, but some practice spring pruning with good results. To create a good looking plant, try to establish 3-4 main branches. These should be sturdy and upright. Cut back 1/3 of the main branches and completely remove weak growth or sideways growing branches.
A growing Hibiscus plant needs lots of nutrients in order to bloom well. In the summer, use a high potassium fertilizer. You can either use a diluted liquid fertilizer one a week, a slow release fertilizer once a month or you can add a high potassium compost to the soil. In the winter, you do not need to fertilize at all.
All Hibiscus have yellow leaves now and then. A few yellow leaves usually only mean that those leaves are getting old and need replacing. If your plant has many yellow leaves it is stressed. The most common causes of plant stress are under-watering, drastic environmental changes or pest invasions, especially spider mites.
The best time for pruning Hibiscus is August-October, but some practice spring pruning with good results. To create a good looking plant, try to establish 3-4 main branches. These should be sturdy and upright. Cut back 1/3 of the main branches and completely remove weak growth or sideways growing branches.
A growing Hibiscus plant needs lots of nutrients in order to bloom well. In the summer, use a high potassium fertilizer. You can either use a diluted liquid fertilizer one a week, a slow release fertilizer once a month or you can add a high potassium compost to the soil. In the winter, you do not need to fertilize at all.
All Hibiscus have yellow leaves now and then. A few yellow leaves usually only mean that those leaves are getting old and need replacing. If your plant has many yellow leaves it is stressed. The most common causes of plant stress are under-watering, drastic environmental changes or pest invasions, especially spider mites.
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Plants Encyclopdias

Name: Rose mallow
Latin: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Origin: Asia
Plant height: 50 - 300 cm
Reproduction: #Stems
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Asia #Hibiscusrosasinensis
Latin: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Origin: Asia
Plant height: 50 - 300 cm
Reproduction: #Stems
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Asia #Hibiscusrosasinensis

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