Plant Experience
When you care for Nephrolepis indoors, it is a good idea to provide additional humidity for them, especially in the winter. For extra humidity care for Nephrolepis, try setting your fern’s pot on a tray of pebbles filled with water. You can also try lightly misting your fern 1-2 times a week to help it get the humidity it needs. Another step in how to take care of Nephrolepis is to make sure that the fern’s soil remains damp. Dry soil is one of the number one reasons that ferns die. Nephrolepis leaves will turn yellow if the humidity is not high enough.
You may want to rotate the Nephrolepis to encourage even growth of the fronds.
Only repot if you are happy for the Nephrolepis to grow bigger and even then, only when the roots have filled the existing pot. Take extra care to keep the fern at the same soil level it sat at before, it's really important not to bury the crown as this will lead to crown rot and the eventual death of the plant.
Пыль с листьев Нефролеписа смывают в душе или при помощи опрыскивателя.
You may want to rotate the Nephrolepis to encourage even growth of the fronds.
Only repot if you are happy for the Nephrolepis to grow bigger and even then, only when the roots have filled the existing pot. Take extra care to keep the fern at the same soil level it sat at before, it's really important not to bury the crown as this will lead to crown rot and the eventual death of the plant.
Пыль с листьев Нефролеписа смывают в душе или при помощи опрыскивателя.
Album (1)

Plants Encyclopdias

Name: Boston Fern
Latin: Nephrolepis exaltata
Origin: Asia
Plant height: 30 - 100 cm
Reproduction: #Division
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Asia #Nephrolepisexaltata
Latin: Nephrolepis exaltata
Origin: Asia
Plant height: 30 - 100 cm
Reproduction: #Division
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Asia #Nephrolepisexaltata

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