Plant Experience
Let the Castanospermum's soil moderately dry between the waterings. Sitting in water can lead to root rot and has to be avoided. It will enjoy being stood outside in a rain shower which will also remove any dust that has collected on the leaves – spraying regularly will help prevent dust build up.
Frequent pruning can control growth and form the Castanospermum australe into a bonsai-like short ornamental tree. This tree can be grown indoors or outdoors in a container.
The seeds are poisonous.
Frequent pruning can control growth and form the Castanospermum australe into a bonsai-like short ornamental tree. This tree can be grown indoors or outdoors in a container.
The seeds are poisonous.
Album (1)

Plants Encyclopdias

Name: Lucky Bean Tree
Latin: Castanospermum australe
Origin: Oceania
Plant height: 30 - 50 cm
Reproduction: #Seeds
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Oceania #Castanospermumaustrale
Latin: Castanospermum australe
Origin: Oceania
Plant height: 30 - 50 cm
Reproduction: #Seeds
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Oceania #Castanospermumaustrale

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