Plant Experience
Many people discard Cyclamens when they begin to deteriorate in spring, but they often can be brought back into bloom. Allow the foliage to dry until it withers in late spring, and then clip off the old foliage. Place the dormant plant in a cool, dark place for up to 3 month, proving just enough water to keep the roots from drying out completely. In late summer, return the container to a bright location, and repot the plant in fresh soil as soon as new growth appears.
Album (1)

Plants Encyclopdias

Name: Cyclamen
Latin: Cyclamen persicum
Origin: Asia
Plant height: 10 - 25 cm
Reproduction: #Seeds
Difficulty level: #Pro
Tags: #Asia #Cyclamenpersicum
Latin: Cyclamen persicum
Origin: Asia
Plant height: 10 - 25 cm
Reproduction: #Seeds
Difficulty level: #Pro
Tags: #Asia #Cyclamenpersicum

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